Have Questions? We have answers!


What is your process?

Every design project is a problem, or set of problems, that need solving. We use creative thinking and strategies to address those problems. And this all happens through the eyes of people who feel passionately that if it isn’t beautiful, then it is only working against our goal - which is to elevate your experience of life in your space. To learn more about the actual stages of design that we move through, and the deliverables produced from it, click here.


How are you different?


We take a human-centered approach to all of our projects. And there are a lot of things that need to happen first in order to allow for that. For ex., we talk about money early and often. We are transparent with billing and costs. We equip clients with as much information as is needed/desired so they can make informed decisions and be a valuable contributor to their own project. Doing these things, and more, allow us to align our goals with the clients and get on with the work of building lasting relationships. There are other very purposeful choices we’ve incorporated into our business model to support this human-centered approach. For ex., we don’t mark up anything purchased on behalf of a client. By not becoming resellers, we’re able to align our goals with the clients as opposed to a bottom line. This also means that we charge only for the work we do and don’t fix our profit to how much the client is spending. It just makes sense for us to stay in our lane. We do design. We solve problems and tell stories. We’re not sales people. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just not our lane. We don’t want to have a vested interest in the cost of every selection. We want to be treated as trusted advisors.

To learn more about our process, click here.



How do you source the things that you propose?

We are always looking for things, inspiration for things, or people that make things. It’s our life. We need to have these resources before we ever start a project. Once we start a project, we’re just pulling from our extensive collection of what we’ve gathered along the way.

Note: The work of sourcing is done in large part before we ever meet the client or the project. It would be very costly to start looking for the right pieces only after the billable clock starts running. We do not feel that clients should be paying for sourcing. We feel like they should be paying for knowledge. Now, there are times when a client wants something that is not readily available through our known resources. In those cases we make the client aware and offer them multiple options to move forward, which are usually: wait for the right thing to reveal itself, pay whatever it costs to purchase what is available now, have it made custom, or pay us to investigate further options.


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